Classes started this week. Everything's been really great. Except that I've got my nerd mentality back, surrounding myself with books and homework. THERE ARE NEITHER GAMES NOR MUSIC ON MY MAC!!! Whee. And not because I can't afford any (I've never heard of BitTorrent before *cough cough*). I swear I shall do all my homework, now that it counts for something and try to get that oh-so elusive 4.0
Yeah, I kow this life sucks; but heck, I'm going to make my parents proud while I'm here. Well, I don't think that the girls here are fugly and no, I'm not gay. SO far, Buff and PS think I'm bisexual but we'll leave that topic for another day ^^. Plenty of hot girls around, but we'll see lah. I still dont miss bolehland yet though.
By the way, I'm straight. Damn straight. Not being homophobic and wearing pink and painting my nails black doesn't change yet.
I've only got 16 credit hours this year. And that makes me feel like such a retard. Its like everyone from Singapore/Malaysia takes 18+ credits. Joseph's taking 24. ARGH. My sister in UTP took 20 and still got a 4.O. ARGH. Of course, I tell everyone I'm taking so few credits this semester because I want to immerse myself in American culture and join hella lot of clubs here. Haven't made much progress yet. I joined the the anime club (hah, take that Ian! lol) and am currently looking at half a dozen christian fellowships. Theres this solar club project I'm interested in too. I'll see if I can fit in some research experience. There's this project centering about linear projectors at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab *drools*. I wish I could have brought along my violin though. On my floor, there are at least 3 good musicians (a clarinettist, a violist, and a flautist).
And classes are so cool. I guess the one thing people hate about Berkeley is the class sizes. But heck, in a hall of 600 people, I can still be kiasu and get to sit in the 3rd row from the front - this the optimum eye level seating position - in my chemistry class. Owh, and today I found out that liquid oxygen is blue in color, 'cause the Professors do really *bang! whiz! fizz!* - intensive experiments for us to see. My professors are good. Heck, they make disinterested, cynical me laugh. This is my engineering 28 Professor

Yeah, he actually posted that picture of himself on the course website. Cool huh ^^
Aih, I've so much to blog about but so little time. Anyway, my phone number is 510 388 0651. Its really cheap to call me. Yeah
Aih, I've so much to blog about but so little time. Anyway, my phone number is 510 388 0651. Its really cheap to call me. Yeah
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